In Computer Science, pattern matching is the act of checking if a certain sequence conforms (matches) a given pattern. Patterns are usually specified using a language based on regular expression. In this problem, we'll use a simple regular expression to express patterns on sequences of decimal digits. A pattern is a sequence of one or more decimal digits `0' ...`9', asterisks `*', and hash signs `#'. A `*' denotes a sequence of an even number of digits, whereas a `#' denotes a sequence of an odd number of digits. For example, the pattern ``129" only matches the sequence 129. The pattern ``1*3" matches all sequences beginning with 1, ending with 3, and having an even number of decimal digits between the first and last digits. As another example, the pattern ``#55" matches the sequences 155, 12355, 1234555, but none of the sequences 55, 1255, 123455. Your task is to write a program to find if a given sequence matches a given pattern.