It’s known to us that 74LS00 is a useful digital logic chip for use in a variety of projects. Give you the voltage in all the pins. Your task is quite simple, just estimate whether the chip could work normally or not.
Here are some essential hints about the pins:
Note: If you chose Pins (1, 2) for input, only Pins (3) would indicate logic.
Here follow the definition of “logic”
If voltage Vi, |Vi-5|<=0.5 then we call it a “High Logic”
If voltage Vi is no larger than 0.8V, and Vi>=0 then we call it a “Low Logic”
“H”: High Logical
“L”: Low Logical
That is to say, if the voltage in Pin 1 is 5.0V and the voltage in Pin 2 is 5.0V, so the Pin 3 indicates Low Logic.
The voltage in Pin 14 must be exactly 5.0V so that the chip could work normally; the voltage in Pin 7 must be always Low Logic.