ACboy was kidnapped!!
he miss his mother very much and is very scare now.You can't image how dark the room he was put into is, so poor :(.
As a smart ACMer, you want to get ACboy out of the monster's labyrinth.But when you arrive at the gate of the maze, the monste say :" I have heard that you are very clever, but if can't solve my problems, you will die with ACboy."
The problems of the monster is shown on the wall:
Each problem's first line is a integer N(the number of commands), and a word "FIFO" or "FILO".(you are very happy because you know "FIFO" stands for "First In First Out", and "FILO" means "First In Last Out").
and the following N lines, each line is "IN M" or "OUT", (M represent a integer).
and the answer of a problem is a passowrd of a door, so if you want to rescue ACboy, answer the problem carefully!