You are to write an interpreter for a simple computer. This computer uses a processor with a small number of machine instructions. Furthermore, it is equipped with 32 byte of memory, one 8-bit accumulator (accu) and a 5-bit program counter (pc). The memory contains data as well as code, which is the usual von Neumann architecture.
The program counter holds the address of the instruction to be executed next. Each instruction has a length of 1 byte - the highest 3 bits define the type of instruction and the lowest 5 bits define an optional operand which is always a memory address (xxxxx). For instructions that don't need an operand the lowest 5 bits have no meaning (-----). Here is a list of the machine instructions and their semantics:
000xxxxx STA x store the value of the accu into memory byte x
001xxxxx LDA x load the value of memory byte x into the accu
010xxxxx BEQ x if the value of the accu is 0 load the value x into the pc
011----- NOP no operation
100----- DEC subtract 1 from the accu
101----- INC add 1 to the accu
110xxxxx JMP x load the value x into the pc
111----- HLT terminate program
In the beginning, program counter and accumulator are set to 0. After fetching an instruction but before its execution, the program counter is incremented. You can assume that programs will terminate.